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Khagrachari Hill District Council

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Top Tourist Attractions in Khagrachari

Khagrachari is one of the best tourist spots in Bangladesh. There are some extra-ordinary tourist attractions in this district. Khagrachari is known as hilltop town. Let’s know the names of the tourist attractions of this district.

1. Alutila Hill
2. Richhang Waterfall
3. KHDC Horticulture Park
4. Dighinala Maniker Dighi
5. Yonged Buddha Bihar
6. Alutila Cave
7. Panichari Buddha Sculpture
8. Dighinala Touduchari Waterfall
9. Sajek and Marissa Valley
10. Nunchari Debota Pond
11. Banyan Tree more than Hundred Years Old
12. Mong King’s Palace,Manikchari
13. Ramgarh Lake/
14. Sindukchari Pond
15. JolPahar Matiranga
16. Parjatan Motel
17. Lakshmichari Waterfall
18. Matai Pukhiri
19. Sapachari Waterfall 
20. Agriculture Research Centre

Khagrachari has always been attractive to the visitors in Bangladesh. Visit this hilly district and enjoy all the tourist attractions in Khagrachari. 

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